Guide: Verizon G3100 WiFi IoT SSID / Wireless Network

Important: I am not affiliated with any of the manufacturers, brands, services, or websites listed on this page and this is my personal experience.  If you find this helpful and want to say thanks, please buy me a coffee or take a look at my book on Amazon. It keeps this page ad-free. Thank you!

In August 2021, Verizon made a major update/overhaul of the G3100 firmware.

The current (July 2024) Verizon G3100 firmware is

The changes include:

  • new / modern interface
  • dedicated wireless network for IoT
  • control over each wifi antenna channel
  • ability to directly log into the E3200 extender (for those that have the extender)
  •  new performance-mode tri-band setting

The update is pushing out to users progressively. So if you don’t see it yet, it will update. Verizon is staging the release. You could always try forcing a firmware Verizon G3100 firmware update. I would note that the V3.x G3100 firmware seems to look awful on an iPad. So if you’re managing your G3100 router from an iPad only, you may not be a fan of the new UI.

A reminder I do not work for nor am I associated with Verizon, if you need technical support please contact Verizon FiOS directly.

The G3100 IoT network runs on the 2.4Ghz frequency. This probably helps with compatibility issues, as some IoT devices do not play well with Self Organizing Networks or 5Ghz. By default, the FiOS G3100 IoT WiFi is disabled, you will need to enable it under the following settings.

How to Enable the Verzion G3100 IoT WiFi Network

  1. Login to your FiOS G3100 Router.
  2. Select Basic
  3. Select Wi-Fi, then select IoT Network.
  4. Toggle the IoT Network to the “on” position.
  5. Click Apply Changes.

Note: By default, the IoT Network uses the same WiFi password as your default password. This doesn’t feel particularly secure, given that some devices store the WiFi password on their own servers.

Important: I am not affiliated with any of the manufacturers, brands, services, or websites listed on this page and this is my personal experience.  If you find this helpful and want to say thanks, please buy me a coffee or take a look at my book on Amazon. It keeps this page ad-free. Thank you!

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