Lowcock Family History: Help Needed

I have detailed information about the following Lowcock family associated with inventions and products.

It’s possible that there is a family connection between the Lowcock Plough, Fuel Economizer, and Lowcock Razor – you can read my notes here. I am absolutely not saying there is a connection, it’s very speculative. Help is needed!

I also have some very rough research on those with the Lowcock surname who were Freemasons. This research is basic at best, and all help is welcome.

People with the surname Lowcock who I almost have no information about but I am keen to learn more:

Henry LowcockI actually have an intriguing challenge related to the image above and a photo I subsequently bought on eBay. If you’re interested in some amateur Lowcock Family History detective work, then it’s worth visiting the Lowcock Hong Kong page and scrolling to the end


Similar spelling, but there’s a whole history of Charles Locock and an adopted son, Henry Locock, who may have been the illegitimate son of a princess. It’s apparently quite the scandal, you can read some more details here. The story of Henry Locock is written up quite frequently, there are some more details here and here. I don’t think there’s any relationship between Lowcock and Locock, but I have been to the UK and gazed longingly looking at and wishing that I lived in Buckingham Palace. So that could be my long-forgotten royal blood pining for home…

Help with Lowcock Family History Research

If you have any information or can give me more advice, insights, help with Lowcock Family History research please contact me.

If the Lowcock invention, brand, or product is not listed here that just means I don’t know about it yet! I’m more than happy to add it to this page.

I do not own any of the items mentioned on the site or have original records. If you own any and are considering selling them, please contact me.

Lowcock Family History

If you would like to learn more about the Lowcock surname and family history, please visit the Lowcock History page.

You can learn more about Lowcock Genealogy, or specific Lowcock family members:

If you are researching Lowcock Family History and can help, contact me. If you want to understand the distribution of the Lowcock surname in the UK, visit the Lowcock map page. Just interested in the images and photos? Visit the Lowcock Genealogy Pinterest page.

This page is maintained by Joshua Lowcock.

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